Ornamental Plants in the Home that can make the body healthy

Ornamental plants not only beautify the interior and exterior of the house. But some ornamental plants also have good benefits for humans and body healthy. That is, it can help clean the air in the house, so it is healthy and fresh for you to breathe again. The things that need to be considered are planting media, laying, maintenance, lighting, and others.

A house that is clean, cool, fresh and comfortable will affect your mood as a homeowner and even guests visiting your residence.

Not only influenced by an attractive room layout but also supported by decorating plants that are not only useful as decoration but also as an oxygen producer that can increase the freshness of the room in and in your home yard. Here are 4 types of ornamental plants that absorb the most toxins and oxygen producers:

Ornamental Plants Absorb Toxins in the House

  1. Sanseviera

This ornamental plant is quite popular as an ornamental part of the house because this plant can grow in conditions with little water and sunlight. Sansevieria has hard, succulent, upright leaves with pointed edges.

Sanseviera is known as the tongue-in-law plant because of its sharp shape. Sanseviera is not only known as an ornamental plant, but is also useful for fertilizing hair, treating diabetes, hemorrhoids, until cancer is malignant. While the fiber is used as clothing material. In Japan, Sanseviera is used to eliminate the smell of home furniture in the room.

  1. Suplir

Suplir is a popular nail plant to decorate a room or garden. The flower  has a rounded leaf shape. also maintenance as an ornamental plant must pay attention to watering. Dryness experienced by suplir can not be repaired only by watering, namely by removing the whole thickened dried up to the rhizome and giving a little extra growth media.

Suplir likes loose soil, rich in organic matter (humus). Fertilization with higher nitrogen content is preferred. The formation of spores requires additional phosphorus and potassium. This plant must be released every three days to get sunlight.

  1. Gerbera Daisies Flower

This flower is suitable for those of you who are insomnia or for those who have respiratory problems if you sleep, because of its ability to produce oxygen very much and is believed to make you sleep better.

Do regular watering. If the weather is too hot, you should flush the garbera twice a day to maintain soil moisture. But in the rainy season you can just once in a day do the watering.

Its ability to produce oxygen and can also help you who have respiratory problems. Besides that the room will look fresh and beautiful.

  1. Yellow Palm

Yellow palms have pinnate leaves with yellowish green color, the number of children leaves about 80 to 100 sheets of bright yellow midrib. The colors look striking and beautiful especially if exposed to sunlight. Breed with seeds and can be up to 4 meters high when planted outside the pot.

Watering plants is done regularly, but do not get excess water because it will cause the roots of the plant to rot. Regularly fertilize using organic and inorganic fertilizers.

After that, make sure the yellow palm plants are free of pests and diseases. Yellow palm has a function as a natural air purifier that can remove formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon dioxide.

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