Heartburn Pain During Pregnancy, with these 6 ways

When entering the third trimester, complaints of pregnant women who often appear is pain in the gut. Often occurs after eating, heartburn during pregnancy accompanied by a burning sensation. The increase in the hormone progesterone also plays a role in triggering this.

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Heartburn during pregnancy is more prone to occur during the third trimester because the developing fetus begins to compress the stomach. Although susceptible to occur, it does not mean heartburn during pregnancy cannot be prevented.

The cause of heartburn hurts during pregnancy

The general term heartburn during pregnancy is heartburn, which is when a burning sensation appears behind the breast and rises to the esophagus. This happens because the valve between the stomach and the esophagus is somewhat loose, so that stomach acid rises to the esophagus.

Besides heartburn, usually heartburn is also accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  • Feel bloated
  • Lots of burps
  • Feeling bitter in the mouth
  • Having strep throat
  • The frequency of dry cough increases

If a new pregnant woman eats spicy food, this discomfort can increase. Not only that, people who often feel heartburn even before pregnancy, will be prone to heartburn more often.

Some causes of heartburn during pregnancy include:


When pregnant, the hormone progesterone makes the muscles that regulate the valve between the stomach and esophagus more loose. This muscle, called the esophageal valve, is ideally closed so that stomach acid does not rise to the top.

But due to increased progesterone levels, this muscle is no longer completely closed. Consequently, stomach acid can go up to the esophagus and even the throat.

Fetal size

The greater the size of the fetus as the age increases in the womb, the more narrow the space for it. As a result, the fetus puts pressure on the stomach and causes stomach acid to rise again, especially when the mother’s stomach is full. This is the reason the solar plexus during pregnancy is prone to be experienced by pregnant women in the age of the third trimester of pregnancy.

The digestion process is slower

Still due to an increase in the hormone progesterone, the digestive process of pregnant women becomes slower. That is, food and drinks consumed last longer in the stomach. When this happens, the possibility of feeling heartburn during pregnancy also increases.

How to overcome it?

Although about 45% of pregnant women feel heartburn, this can be circumvented. Some ways are:

1. Selectively choose food

As much as possible, avoid foods with acid content and spiciness that is too high because it can produce higher stomach acid. Also avoid tomatoes, onions, caffeine, chocolate, and soda. Fried or fatty foods should also be avoided for a while because it takes longer to digest.

2. Eat small but often

Rather than eating large portions 3 times a day, cope with heartburn when pregnant by eating more often but in smaller portions. This method can prevent the stomach from feeling too full while helping to empty it more optimally.

3. Sit up straight when eating

Body posture also affects the digestion process. For that, try to always sit up straight when eating. The force of gravity will help prevent stomach acid from rising into the esophagus. Even after eating, don’t lie down until 30-60 minutes later.

4. Sleep with your head higher

If you still feel the pit of the stomach during pregnancy, try to sleep while sleeping, by adding pillows so that the head and chest are higher. Just like posture when eating, this method makes the force of gravity supports the digestion process more optimally.

5. Wear loose clothes

Do not wear clothes that are too tight, especially in the abdomen and chest. Wear clothes that are comfortable so that it does not make room for stomach acid to rise into the esophagus.

6. Drink a little

This does not mean reducing fluid intake in a day, but avoid drinking too much, especially at the same time as eating. Drink when you’re done eating. But if the stomach feels very full, do not immediately drink too much.

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